5MinChurch app is being used daily all over the world by churches, individuals, and small groups. We also believe in the importance of the LOCAL connection. We have a network of churches and small groups across the country where our app users can find a local connection. We would love to present and partner with your church. We offer options of becoming partner or host.
OPTION 1 - Give us 5 minutes and we will present the vision of 5MC in your church or group as well as hand out 5MC coins encouraging people to download the app.
OPTION 2 - Host ONE of our 5MC Speakers, Athletes, Musician, or Actor who will present a powerful gospel testimony in your church. We also schedule dynamic motivational (non-religious) school assemblies in your area inviting families to your church. (See www.5MCAssembly.com)
OPTION 3 - Host our 5MC TEAM. Typically we help with all aspects of a service including worship, speaking, and community outreach. Call for more details.
OPTION 4 - Host a weekly SMALL GROUP. We will provided weekly small group leadership, materials and videos. Contact us for more details.
CALL (424) 245-5185 or click HERE to contact us.